It's very important to know who you really are and what would make you truly happy. The scientific community consisting of psychologists, psychiatrists and other human Sexuality Experts have have come up with FACTUAL INFORMATION about sexual orientation that proves that homosexuality and bisexuality are as normal as heterosexuality debunking stupid religious myths.
Look up " APA / American Psychological Association's Just the Facts About Sexual Orientation" for the complete FACT SHEET.
Here's a list of prominent, confirmed LGBTs :
Some notable celebrities on 'the bisexual list': Alexander the Great, Angelina Jolie Anna Nicole Smith, Anna Paquin, Billie Joe Armstrong, Caligula, David Bowie, Drew Barreymore, Fergie, James Dean, John F. Kennedy Jr. (shocking!), Kurt Cobain, Lady Gaga, Lindsay Lohan, Madonna, Marlon Brando, Megan Fox, Megan Mullaly, Pink and Vannessa Carlton.
THOSE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE LGBTs in our society. MOST LGBTs play it on the down low (keep it a secret) mainly due to MISINFORMATION, FALSE RELIGIOUS BELIEFS and SOCIAL STIGMA.
Of course, 'the CONFUSED' can simply choose from any of the videos posted below to find out what s/he really is.
P.S. - lady gaga is bisexual and NOT a shemale/transsexual... I just can't think of any famous shemale so I just made her represent the transsexual community as a sort of shemale icon since she's been rumored to be one and due to her androgynous features.
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